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Perinatal Emotional Mental Health Recovery

Emotional recovery from traumatic birth 

Therapy Session
Therapy Session

Time to be heard, time to heal

The birth of a baby comes with immense joy and hope for a new life.  But for the mother and sometimes partners, that birth journey was filled with anxiety, fear and trauma.


Current research show that 30% births leave the mother, partner or family in a state of trauma, experiencing anxiety, panic attacks and PTSD.


Of those 1.5-9% suffer PTSD.


Here are some of the signs of PTSD

Hyper vigilance



Panic attacks


Unable to think clearly


Unable to rest

Overly tidy

Feeling of disconnection

Still healing from surgery or birth

Unable to look at the baby or hold your baby

Unable to bond with baby

Reoccuring thoughts


Not feeling heard

Scared for yourself and your baby


This is the time you need to seek help!


Traumatic Birth Rewind


These session offers you the opportunity to:


a) Be heard

b) Tell your story and your truth

c) Be acknowledged and heard

d) In a safe space to let go

e) Learning practical coping strategies

f) Opportunity to debrief

g) Interrupting the pattern

h) Letting go of past

i) Moving forward

j) Bonding with baby and partner

k) Supported

l) 2-3 Sessions only

m) Affordable

n) Opportunity to seek more help if needed


Arlene is a trained counsellor  and psychotherapist, and she is happy to help women, birthing people and their partners find a way of rewinding their birth trauma without re triggering. Enabling you to move forward.


First session 90 mins which consists of debriefing and relaxation

2nd session 60 mins which includes rewind technique and relaxation

3rd session 15-30 mins via a phone appointment to supervise and support.


3 sessions booked in advance £300.

Therapy Session
Holding Hands

Clinic space and times

Sessions will be held at

Walthamstow (Tuesdays)

Wednesday 9am-1.00pm online

Follow the link


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